Since 1925


The place was Portage Country Club. The time was April of 1925…


How to contact us, Past Presidents, Constitution

Member Links

Instructions for host clubs, links to related golf sites, members only info

Championship Cup

Past Tournaments

A listing of past tournament seasons

Golf bag

Team Awards

Recipients of the Annual Team Awards

Golf ball on tee

President's Award

Listing of recipients of the President’s Award

The purpose of our organization is to promote good sportsmanship and the best interests of competitive golf.

Private golf clubs in Medina, Portage, Stark and Summit counties, which have been approved by the governing body, are members of WADGA. Any woman of amateur status, as defined by the USGA, who is a full member of a member club, shall be eligible to compete in golfing activities, provided that her handicap index is 30.0 or lower. Please view our Constitution.

Our Executive Board schedules all golfing activities. Each summer, two team events, six stroke play events in flights and a three-day championship are held at member clubs by rotation.

For more information, please contact the WADGA representative from a member club or contact our President by email at President@wadga.org.

Alliance Country Club

Brookside Country Club

Congress Lake Club

Fairlawn Country Club

Fox Meadow

Ohio Prestwick Country Club

Portage Country Club

Shady Hollow Country Club

Silver Lake Country Club

Westfield Country Club
